Ms Word
MS WORD is a 1 month crash course in the field of computer applications. Students from any field is eligible to do the course. Housewives, people in their mid-twenties or thirties also study MS WORD to enhance their knowledge in computer skills.ITCC TallyAcademy trains you in Ms-WORD a word processor. It helps in managing daily life official works.It is used to create professional looking documents such as resume, letters, application, forms, brochures, templates, business cards, calender, reports, e-books, newsletter etc. in high quality.
Diploma in computer application(DCA)45 Days,Fees:Rs 1400.
- Course Content :
- Fundamental
- Windows
- Ms-Word
- Ms-Excel
- Ms-Power Point
- Internet Browsing
Diploma in computer application(DCA)Advance,60 Days,Fees:Rs 2000.
- Course Content :
- Fundamental
- Windows
- Ms-Word
- Ms-Excel
- Ms-Power Point
- Internet Browsing
Advance Diploma in computer application (DCA)(4 Months),Fees:Rs 4000.
- Course Content :
- Fundamental
- Windows
- Ms-Word
- Ms-Excel
- Ms-Power Point
- Internet Browsing
- Ms-acess
- Page Maker
- Coral Draw
- Photoshop
- Project
DTP 3 Month Fees:Rs 2000.
- Course Content :
- Fundamental
- Windows
- Page Maker
- Coral Draw
- Photoshop
- Project
Diploma In Tally Financial Acounting (2 Months),Fees:Rs 4000.
- Course Content :
- Creating a company, Company configuration
- Setting Up a new company,Creating ledger
- Sub ledger/Creating Group/Account head
- Voucher entry/payment/Receipt voucher
- Contra entry/purchase/Sales Register
- Fund flow, Cash flow,Creating cost center
- Cost and ratio analysis, creating trial balance
- Viewing statement of account
- Profit and loss account, Balance sheet
- Bank reconciliation, Interest calculation
- Printing of account, Bank and Cashbooks
- Display of account Company Configuration
- GST Registration
- Gst File Online/Offline
- Gst Entry in Tally
- GSt Details
- Payment of GST
- GST Reports
- Inventory Features Stock groups
- Stock item, Physical stock voucher
- Creating unit of measure, Rejection In & Out
- Purchase and sale Orders, Multi currency
- Invoice bill/Stock wise
- Rev. journals, debit credit notes
- Multiple Godown, Tracking numbers
- Rejection notes,sales/Purchase plan
- Stock journal, Sales Order Processing
- Purchase Order Processing, Physical Stock
- Inventory Reports, Interest Calculation
Payroll Management Certification Prog. 2 Months,Rs 2600.
- Course Content :
- Configuring Payroll, Creating payroll master
- processing payroll in Tally Erp9
- Employer PF Contribution
- Employer ESI Contribution
- Payment of professional Tax
- Attendance Register
- Payroll practice Exercises
- Payroll Reports
Tally Professional Certificate Program (4 Months),Fess:Rs 7000.
- Course Content :
- Creating a company, Company configuration
- Setting Up a new company,Creating ledger
- Sub ledger/Creating Group/Account head
- Voucher entry/payment/Receipt voucher
- Contra entry/purchase/Sale register
- Fund flow, Cash flow,Creating cost center
- Cost and ratio analysis, creating trial balance
- Viewing statement of account
- Profit and loss account, Balance sheet
- Bank reconciliation, Interest calculation
- Printing of account, Bank and Cashbooks
- Display of account Company Configuration
- TAX :
- *Online Income Tax Return File
- Payment of GST
- GST Reports
- Gst File Online/Offline
- Gst Entry in Tally
- GSt Details
- Inventory Features Stock groups
- Stock item, Physical stock voucher
- Creating unit of measure, Rejection In & Out
- Purchase and sale Orders, Multi currency
- Invoice bill/Stock wise
- Rev. journals, debit credit notes
- Multiple godown, Tracking numbers
- Rejection notes,sales/Purchase plan
- Stock journal, Sales Order Processing
- Purchase Order Processing, Physical Stock
- Inventory Reports, Interest Calculation
- Configuring Payroll, Creating payroll master
- processing payroll in Tally Erp9
- Employer PF Contribution
- Employer ESI Contribution
- Payment of professional Tax
- Attendance Register
- Payroll practice Exercises
- Payroll Reports
- TDS Details
Tally Executive Certificate Program (6 Months),Rs 7600.(Not In Service)
- Course Content :
- Creating a company, Company configuration
- Setting Up a new company,Creating ledger
- Sub ledger/Creating Group/Account head
- Voucher entry/payment/Receipt voucher
- Contra entry/purchase/Sale register
- Fund flow, Cash flow,Creating cost center
- Cost and ratio analysis, creating trial balance
- Viewing statement of account
- Profit and loss account, Balnce sheet
- Bank reconciliation, Interest calculation
- Printing of account, Bank and Cashbooks
- Display of account Company Configuration
- TAX :
- Payment of GST
- GST Reports
- Basic Concept of CST
- Recording Interstate Transaction In Tally Erp9
- Payment Of Service Tax
- Accounting for Advance receipts/li>
- Tax on services Purchased (GTA)
- Creating Masters
- First stage dealer
- Second stage dealer
- Registration of dealers
- Company Setup
- Payroll Accounting and compliance
- Inventory Features Stock groups
- Stock item, Physical stock voucher
- Creating unit of measure, Rejection In & Out
- Purchase and sale Orders, Multi currency
- Invoice bill/Stock wise
- Rev. journals, debit credit notes
- Multiple godown, Tracking numbers
- Rejevtion notes,sales/Purchase plan
- Stock journal, Sales Order Processing
- Purchase Order Processing, Physical Stock
- Inventory Reports, Interest Calculation
E-filing : Manual & Online taxation.30 Hours 20 Classes.Rs 5000
- Course Content :
- Introduction of E-Filling
- Service Tax (ST-1, ST-2, ST-3)
- Income Tax (ITR-1, ITR-2, ITR-3, ITR-4)
- Tax Form Download, Form Fill up & Upload
Web Development (PHP) (2 Month)Fees: Rs 5000.
- Course Content :
- Basic Concept of PHP
- Fundamental
- My Sql
- Xamp server/Wamp server
- JQuery
- Ajax(Basic)
- CMS(WordPress)
- Creating Dynamic Page/Static Page
Programming Language C (45 hours),Fees:Rs 2000.
- Course Content :
- Introduction to C
- Fundamental of C
- Operation and Expression
- Structured programming Using C
- Arrays
- Functions
- Pointer
- Basic input/output Function in C
- Preprocessor
- Structure Unions, And Bit Fields
- file Stream
Programming Language C++ (45 hours),Fees:Rs 2000.
- Course Content :
- Data Type Operators and Statements
- Writing A Program In C++
- Control Statements
- Function And Program Structure
- Arrays
- Pointers
- Structure Unions and Bit Fields
- Classes and Objects
- More on Classes
- Inheritance
- Overloading
- Polymorphism
- Templates and Exception Handling
- Data File Operation
- Turbo C++ Graphics Libraries
- Turbo C++ Graphics Libraries function
Programming Language JAVA(IX,X,XI,XII) (4 Months),Fees: Rs 4000.
- Course Content :
- Data Representation
- Computer Structure
- Basic Architecture of Simple Microprocessor
- Working With Operating System
- Professional Logic and Hardware
- Internal Functioning Of Computer
- General OOP Cocept
- Introducing JAVA
- Java Fundamentals
- Flow of Control
- Classes in Java
- Function (Method)
- Using Library Classes
- Arrays
- Operation On Files
- Simple Data Structure
- Computational Complexity
- Computing and Ethics
Computer Science XI (2 Months),Fees:Rs 2000.
- Course Content :
- Computer Overview
- Working With Operating System
- Data Representation
- Input, Output and Memory Device
- General OOP Concepts
- Getting Started With C++
- Data Handling
- Operators and Expressions In C++
- Flow Of Controls
- Standards Library Function
- User Defined function
- Structure Data Type : Array
- Structure
Computer Science XII (2 Months),Fees:Rs 2000.
- Course Content :
- Classes and Objects
- More on Classes
- Inheritance
- Overloading
- Polymorphism
- Templates and Exception Handling
- Data File Operation
- Data Structure
- My Sql(DBMS)
- Boolean Algebra
- Networking
Data Structure(c)(1 Month),Fees:Rs 2000.
- Course Content :
- Introduction and Overview
- Preliminaries
- String Processing
- Arrays, Records And Pointer
- Linked List
- Stacks, Queues, Recursion
- Trees
- Graph And Their Application
- Sorting And Searching
JAVA (2 Months)Fees:Rs 2000.
- Course Content :
- Fundamental of Objects – Oriented Programming
- Java Evolution
- Overview of Java Language
- Overloading
- Constant, Variables, and Data Types
- Operators and Expressions
- Decision Making and Branching
- Decision Making and Looping
- Classes Objects and Methods
- Array, String and Vetors
- Interface: Multiple Inheritance
- Packages: Putting Classes Together
- Multithread Programming
- Managing Errors and Exceptions
- Applet Programming
- Graphics Programming
- Managing Input/Output Files in Java