This Course is specially designed for the candidate those who are looking to build their career as software development . This course will help the candidate to become a successful software developer. ITCC Tally training centre ranchi enables you to fetch a good job with a good amount of salary. This course provides you with good job opportunities in various companies as software programmer, Web developer etc.. Software developer is important work in company requires trained software development who could handle real time server side programming.
- Course Content :
- Fundamental
- Windows
- Ms-Word
- Ms-Excel
- Ms-Power Point
- Internet Browsing
- Course Content :
- Fundamental
- Windows
- Ms-Word
- Ms-Excel
- Ms-Power Point
- Internet Browsing
- Course Content :
- Fundamental
- Windows
- Ms-Word
- Ms-Excel
- Ms-Power Point
- Internet Browsing
- Ms-acess
- Page Maker
- Coral Draw
- Photoshop
- Project
- Course Content :
- Fundamental
- Windows
- Page Maker
- Coral Draw
- Photoshop
- Project
- Course Content :
- Creating a company, Company configuration
- Setting Up a new company,Creating ledger
- Sub ledger/Creating Group/Account head
- Voucher entry/payment/Receipt voucher
- Contra entry/purchase/Sales Register
- Fund flow, Cash flow,Creating cost center
- Cost and ratio analysis, creating trial balance
- Viewing statement of account
- Profit and loss account, Balance sheet
- Bank reconciliation, Interest calculation
- Printing of account, Bank and Cashbooks
- Display of account Company Configuration
- GST Registration
- Gst File Online/Offline
- Gst Entry in Tally
- GSt Details
- Payment of GST
- GST Reports
- Inventory Features Stock groups
- Stock item, Physical stock voucher
- Creating unit of measure, Rejection In & Out
- Purchase and sale Orders, Multi currency
- Invoice bill/Stock wise
- Rev. journals, debit credit notes
- Multiple Godown, Tracking numbers
- Rejection notes,sales/Purchase plan
- Stock journal, Sales Order Processing
- Purchase Order Processing, Physical Stock
- Inventory Reports, Interest Calculation
- Course Content :
- Configuring Payroll, Creating payroll master
- processing payroll in Tally Erp9
- Employer PF Contribution
- Employer ESI Contribution
- Payment of professional Tax
- Attendance Register
- Payroll practice Exercises
- Payroll Reports
- Course Content :
- Creating a company, Company configuration
- Setting Up a new company,Creating ledger
- Sub ledger/Creating Group/Account head
- Voucher entry/payment/Receipt voucher
- Contra entry/purchase/Sale register
- Fund flow, Cash flow,Creating cost center
- Cost and ratio analysis, creating trial balance
- Viewing statement of account
- Profit and loss account, Balance sheet
- Bank reconciliation, Interest calculation
- Printing of account, Bank and Cashbooks
- Display of account Company Configuration
- TAX :
- *Online Income Tax Return File
- Payment of GST
- GST Reports
- Gst File Online/Offline
- Gst Entry in Tally
- GSt Details
- Inventory Features Stock groups
- Stock item, Physical stock voucher
- Creating unit of measure, Rejection In & Out
- Purchase and sale Orders, Multi currency
- Invoice bill/Stock wise
- Rev. journals, debit credit notes
- Multiple godown, Tracking numbers
- Rejection notes,sales/Purchase plan
- Stock journal, Sales Order Processing
- Purchase Order Processing, Physical Stock
- Inventory Reports, Interest Calculation
- Configuring Payroll, Creating payroll master
- processing payroll in Tally Erp9
- Employer PF Contribution
- Employer ESI Contribution
- Payment of professional Tax
- Attendance Register
- Payroll practice Exercises
- Payroll Reports
- TDS Details
- Course Content :
- Creating a company, Company configuration
- Setting Up a new company,Creating ledger
- Sub ledger/Creating Group/Account head
- Voucher entry/payment/Receipt voucher
- Contra entry/purchase/Sale register
- Fund flow, Cash flow,Creating cost center
- Cost and ratio analysis, creating trial balance
- Viewing statement of account
- Profit and loss account, Balnce sheet
- Bank reconciliation, Interest calculation
- Printing of account, Bank and Cashbooks
- Display of account Company Configuration
- TAX :
- Payment of GST
- GST Reports
- Basic Concept of CST
- Recording Interstate Transaction In Tally Erp9
- Payment Of Service Tax
- Accounting for Advance receipts/li>
- Tax on services Purchased (GTA)
- Creating Masters
- First stage dealer
- Second stage dealer
- Registration of dealers
- Company Setup
- Payroll Accounting and compliance
- Inventory Features Stock groups
- Stock item, Physical stock voucher
- Creating unit of measure, Rejection In & Out
- Purchase and sale Orders, Multi currency
- Invoice bill/Stock wise
- Rev. journals, debit credit notes
- Multiple godown, Tracking numbers
- Rejevtion notes,sales/Purchase plan
- Stock journal, Sales Order Processing
- Purchase Order Processing, Physical Stock
- Inventory Reports, Interest Calculation
- Course Content :
- Introduction of E-Filling
- Service Tax (ST-1, ST-2, ST-3)
- Income Tax (ITR-1, ITR-2, ITR-3, ITR-4)
- Tax Form Download, Form Fill up & Upload
- Course Content :
- Basic Concept of PHP
- Fundamental
- My Sql
- Xamp server/Wamp server
- JQuery
- Ajax(Basic)
- CMS(WordPress)
- Creating Dynamic Page/Static Page
- Course Content :
- Introduction to C
- Fundamental of C
- Operation and Expression
- Structured programming Using C
- Arrays
- Functions
- Pointer
- Basic input/output Function in C
- Preprocessor
- Structure Unions, And Bit Fields
- file Stream
- Course Content :
- Data Type Operators and Statements
- Writing A Program In C++
- Control Statements
- Function And Program Structure
- Arrays
- Pointers
- Structure Unions and Bit Fields
- Classes and Objects
- More on Classes
- Inheritance
- Overloading
- Polymorphism
- Templates and Exception Handling
- Data File Operation
- Turbo C++ Graphics Libraries
- Turbo C++ Graphics Libraries function
- Course Content :
- Data Representation
- Computer Structure
- Basic Architecture of Simple Microprocessor
- Working With Operating System
- Professional Logic and Hardware
- Internal Functioning Of Computer
- General OOP Cocept
- Introducing JAVA
- Java Fundamentals
- Flow of Control
- Classes in Java
- Function (Method)
- Using Library Classes
- Arrays
- Operation On Files
- Simple Data Structure
- Computational Complexity
- Computing and Ethics
- Course Content :
- Computer Overview
- Working With Operating System
- Data Representation
- Input, Output and Memory Device
- General OOP Concepts
- Getting Started With C++
- Data Handling
- Operators and Expressions In C++
- Flow Of Controls
- Standards Library Function
- User Defined function
- Structure Data Type : Array
- Structure
- Course Content :
- Classes and Objects
- More on Classes
- Inheritance
- Overloading
- Polymorphism
- Templates and Exception Handling
- Data File Operation
- Data Structure
- My Sql(DBMS)
- Boolean Algebra
- Networking
- Course Content :
- Introduction and Overview
- Preliminaries
- String Processing
- Arrays, Records And Pointer
- Linked List
- Stacks, Queues, Recursion
- Trees
- Graph And Their Application
- Sorting And Searching
- Course Content :
- Fundamental of Objects – Oriented Programming
- Java Evolution
- Overview of Java Language
- Overloading
- Constant, Variables, and Data Types
- Operators and Expressions
- Decision Making and Branching
- Decision Making and Looping
- Classes Objects and Methods
- Array, String and Vetors
- Interface: Multiple Inheritance
- Packages: Putting Classes Together
- Multithread Programming
- Managing Errors and Exceptions
- Applet Programming
- Graphics Programming
- Managing Input/Output Files in Java